Articles From Scientific Journals

Staying sharp a decade after cognitive training

Rebok and colleagues published a longitudinal study in 2014 based on data from approximately 2,800 seniors participants. The participants who trained in targeted computerized cognitive training to improve processing speed showed improvements that lasted a whole decade. Reebok et al. found that Even after 10 years, adults who trained their processing speed practiced speed exercises and maintained a higher level in daily tasks.

Computerized cognitive training does not require technological literacy

Kueider's 2012 systematic review examined the effectiveness of computerized cognitive training in healthy adults. A review article included 38 studies divided into three categories based on the type of training: traditional cognitive practice with paper and pencil, computeriezd cognitive training , and video games. It has been found that computerized cognitive training is just as effective as traditional practice with pencil and paper, as well as being a more intensive and effective form of training. In addition, most studies reported that adults did not have to be technologically savvy to perform the exercises successfully and benefit from them.

Interested in brain health?
Challenge your mind and move your body

According to a review article by Bemidis et al (2014), maintaining a healthy brain is crucial for quality of life and independence in old age. It has been shown that cognitive training and physical exercise can prevent cognitive decline and age-related diseases. The article summarizes the latest findings regarding brain mechanisms associated with third-age cognitive changes and stresses the importance of training that includes cognitive and physical exercises to ensure optimal functioning of brain networks throughout life.

Reading and playing cards lead to different outcomes

In a study published in 2014, Kelly and colleagues analyzed the effect of computerized cognitive training on healthy adults. A total of 31 studies were included and scanned so that nearly 2000 participants in cognitive training groups and 400 participants in control groups were included.The study found that computerized cognitive training improved working memory, processing speed, and general cognitive functions compared to an active control group. As compared to a control group that did no activity, computerized cognitive training also improved memory functions such as remembering names and faces, immediate recall of words, and creating new associations.

Cognitive training found effective for mild cognitive

A meta-analysis performed by Tsang et al. in 2019 investigated the effect of computerized cognitive training on adults over 55 with MCI (mild cognitive impairment).The analyse included 18 studies and nearly 700 participants.The results showed an improvement in general cognitive function, memory, and working memory in adults with cognitive decline.

The key to effective intervention is cognitive training

In a 2016 study by Giuli and colleagues, 321 adults were divided into three groups: people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's, people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and people without cognitive decline. The comprehensive intervention included a combination of rehabilitation (cognitive training), compensation (strategies), a healthy lifestyle, and psychological support. The authors found a significant improvement in all three groups compared to adults who didn't exercise. In addition, there was an improvement in auditory verbal memory tasks and subjective complaints about memory impairment among adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). A significant decrease in s ubjective complaints was observed in adults without cognitive decline. These results show that cognitive training improves memory and functioning in adults with and without cognitive decline.
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