About Effectivate

Nice to Meet You

Effectivate was founded by a small dedicated team, which shared the aim of developing a product that enables brain training in a pleasant, professional, and challenging manner.
Here at Effectivate, we believe in our ability as human beings to actively improve our quality of life by developing positive brain-training habits. We believe these can be accomplished through our unique cognitive training which contributes to memory retention.

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Challenging cognitive training to strengthen memory

With life expectancy rising, the number of people diagnosed with age-related diseases, such as dementia, is constantly rising. Studies have shown that cognitive training may significantly reduce dementia risk. Scientific findings show that brain training can strengthen neural networks related to cognitive capacities, and as such aid in the prevention of mental decline with age. People who actively train and develop their mental capacities are expected to have a longer and healthier life expectancy, as well as a lower risk of disease, falls, and accidents. Through versatile cognitive training by Effectivate, you can preserve and strengthen various cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention, reaction time, etc.

The minds behind


Sarit Kraus

computer science Prof

A world-renowned expert in machine learning. Prof. Kraus leads research in artificial intelligence and robotics at Bar-Ilan University.


Mor Nahum


An expert in brain training development and research, Dr. Nahum holds a Ph.D. in brain science and is head of the neuro-therapy lab at the Hebrew University.


Eran Katz


An author of several best-sellers including “The perfect Memory”, Eran is also a Guinness world record holder in the field of memory techniques.


Gil Suzin


A specialist in clinical neuropsychology, Dr. Suzin specializes in cognitive and memory rehabilitation and holds a Ph.D. in psychology.

The team

שי גרנות מייסד ומנכ_ל (1)
Shai Granot
CEO & Co-founder
Liron Schechter
Eitan Fitusi​
אנה איזוצ_ייב מנהלת מדעית ומייסדת שותפה
Anna Izoutcheev
Scientific PM & Co-Founder
Tania Ender Arie
HR Manager
סהר ברכה מנהל מחלקת מכירות
Sahar Bracha
Head of Sales
משה פורת מנהל מחלקת שירות לקוחות
Moshe Porat
Customer Success Manager
ליאת מאור מנהלת מחלקת שיווק
Liat Maor
Head of Marketing
יול אלון מנהלת פרויקטים
Yul Alon
Project Manager
יהב סבג מנהלת משאבי אנוש
Yahav Sabag
HR Manager
טל רוטמן מנהל מחלקת מכירות
Tal Rotman
Head of Sales

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