A long and good life

Research from the Harvard Business School shows that if we extend the lives of all people on Earth by just one year, it would contribute to an economic impact of $38 billion. This means there is a significant positive influence on people remaining active and productive for many years, especially those with valuable experience and knowledge. This insight contributes to a slow but noticeable change in our thinking as a human society regarding where we invest resources. Indeed, in the past decade, a scientific-medical-technological community has been established that focuses solely on longevity.


Will we reach the age of 100 in the future?

Longevity is one of the most talked-about social, economic, and health issues in recent years. The central question is what can we do at any age to be healthy in older ages. It’s important to remember that we age much faster when we are young than when we are older, and indeed, it is important to consider aging as a long process that takes on various manifestations over the years. The good news is already on the horizon with a proliferation of innovative studies on animals that examine technologies through which we can control the aging process.


Indeed, most people do not have a clear goal of reaching the age of 100. Most of us oscillate between the desire to maintain health and prolong life and the tendency to throw up our hands and say, “It’s all genetics.” Only about 0.004% of the current global population reaches the age of 100, and despite decades of research, it is not easy for us to explain “why them?” In other words, what do those who extend their lives do differently? We know that some of them regularly consume alcohol, fat, or sugar. And there are speculations that patience and perseverance, i.e., building a daily routine even if it’s not perfect, provide stability and health benefits.


The contribution of a positive mindset to longevity

Over the years, it has become clear that one of the essential forces contributing to longevity is a positive mindset that helps us enjoy simple daily experiences, avoid stress, and cope with challenges and failures more easily. Additionally, many studies report a positive attitude among long-lived older adults, meaning they worry less about what they cannot control. In terms of the brain, we know that it undergoes various changes, namely a decrease in the activity level of the amygdala, which likely forms the basis for the “positivity effect” observed in older adults.


We have evidence that genetics plays a significant but relatively limited role, and so far, it has been found that the genes with the most impact on longevity protect against cardiovascular diseases. Genetic studies are not intended to find the fountain of youth but rather to understand the factors that can slow down the aging process or protect against age-related diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. The contribution of inheritance is significant, but it also changes with age, meaning that it may have a greater influence on older ages.


Can we predict lifespan?

Since people age at different rates, an entire industry is developing that deals with biological markers (biomarkers) that can personally predict lifespan, like a kind of personal life calculator, and even accurately differentiate between biological age and chronological age. The results will provide personal feedback and recommendations on how to slow down the clock for those whose biological age is older than their chronological age. In addition, it will be possible to measure the effectiveness of various interventions that can prolong lifespan, such as tailored medications for a person’s predisposition to develop a particular disease.


There is also evidence that proper nutrition, regular physical activity, and maintaining body weight can extend lifespan. Furthermore, it has been found that people who reach old age are generally optimistic and not prone to neuroticism, meaning they know


“The Blue Zones”

is a well-known field research study that explores the secrets of longevity and healthy aging. It was published as a series of books in the last decade, offering a collection of tips and recipes for living longer. The researcher identified several regions around the world, referred to as Blue Zones, where people live exceptionally long and healthy lives into old age. The study aimed to learn from these communities and uncover the secrets to their longevity.


The researcher found that certain factors contribute to the longevity of the individuals in these Blue Zones. Some of these factors are fairly obvious, such as regular physical activity and a balanced diet. However, the researcher also emphasized the importance of non-physical components, including spiritual and environmental aspects of life. These include factors like rest and prayer, a sense of purpose, meaning in life, and community involvement.


In summary, longevity is a holistic concept. While scientific and technological advancements attempt to calculate and extend lifespan, it is essential to remember what we have known for centuries: an active, balanced, creative, and meaningful lifestyle helps us maintain good health and protect against diseases over time.


If you would like to stay updated on the latest news related to longevity, you can follow the most recent updates in the field.




Fillit, H. M., Butler, R. N., O’Connell, A. W., Albert, M. S., Birren, J. E., Cotman, C. W., … & Tully, T. (2002). Achieving and maintaining cognitive vitality with aging. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 77, No. 7, pp. 681-696).


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